If You are enrolled to become a Certified Biblical Counselor or if you desire to transfer your course work to another university, this page is for you!
The Biblical Counseling Academy is designed to meet and exceed the requirements to become a Certified Biblical Counselor. This course will be a biblical study of counseling from God’s perspective. The major emphasis will be on what the Scriptures have to say about how we are to counsel one another. A recurring minor theme will be biblical warnings alerting us concerning man’s ways of counseling. This one-year course of study has been created to advance the knowledge base of biblical and theological studies, translating them into counseling and leadership skills necessary for effective ministry. Not all items on the syllabus are applicable to all students. Those enrolled for personal enrichment would do well to review the syllabus because it helps guide you along your learning journey. Continue reading each section below, and as always, we have a Student Success Team to answer any and every question that you may have.
Contact InformationÂ
One-Year Program Course Units: 15
Online Cohort
Dean of Biblical Counseling: Jeff Christianson
Guest Instructors: TBD
Text Messaging: (970) 510-0055Â Â
Email: Jeff ([email protected])
Student Success Manager: Kady ([email protected])
Read The Student Agreement:
Student AgreementLearning Objectives & Outcomes
Learning Objectives (LO)
LO #1: As a future ministry leader, effectively communicate the Scriptures through expository teaching in the 1:1 counseling situation.
LO #2: As a future certified biblical counselor, competently engage diverse personalities in the church setting by ministering and applying Biblical principles to a person's life circumstances.
LO #3: As a future spiritual leader, effectively shepherd individual believers into Christian maturity.
LO #4: As a disciple maker, share the Good News of Jesus Christ with competence and lead people in prayer to a saving knowledge of the Savior (evangelism).
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
SLO #1: Articulate how all of life, including its problems, are a part of the worship process that takes place within the heart of man.
SLO #2: Describe how the Scriptures are sufficient for 1) handling life’s personal and interpersonal problems; 2) daily wisdom, guidance and decision-making.
SLO #3: Articulate the role of soul care and biblical counseling in the local church.
SLO #4: Apply the conclusions of biblical theology through 1:1 ministry to the difficulties of the soul.
Course Objective
My Prayer for Each Student
Learning Objectives
Required Textbooks
- How to Counsel God's Way, by Bob Hoekstra
- How Big is Your God, by Dr. Ed Bulkley
- Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change, by Paul David Tripp
- PsychoBabble: The Failure of Modern Psychology--and the Biblical Alternative, by Richard Ganz*
- Why Christians Can't Trust Psychology, by Dr Ed Bulkley
- A Theology of Biblical Counseling: The Doctrinal Foundations of Counseling Ministry, by Heath Lambert
- Basic Theology: A Popular Systematic Guide to Understanding Biblical Truth, by Charles Ryrie
- The Christian Counselor's Manual, by Jay E. Adams
* How Big is Your God is currently out of print. Ask your dean for suggestions on securing a used copy.
Recommended Reading
Recommended for additional reading and topical counseling books. Check back often, this list will become a digital database soon!
Protocols and Procedures
1. All papers are to be double-spaced using 12 point Times New Roman font.
2. Each assignment is to be submitted electronically via our Student Portal. Upload it just as you would an attachment to an email.
3. All assignments must be submitted before 3:00 pm on the day they are due. It is suggested that you turn them in a day early if you have a daytime commitments.
4. We prefer PDF documents. If you are using Word or Google Docs, just “save as” pdf.
Course Requirements
Summary of Work Required
- Lectures in Counseling Ministry and Theology (24 1-Hour Sessions)
- Reading Report (minimum 1 page, single-spaced)
- Three Case Report Forms (see the Appendix of this Syllabus)
- Exams (Theology & Counseling)
- Practicum (50Â Sessions of Supervised Counseling)Â
The grading process is to encourage and gauge how you are thinking and learning the material in this class. Your growth in God’s wisdom will be accomplished as you become more and more biblical in your thinking and living, especially in how you solve difficult problems biblically. You will do well if your goal is to know, handle, and walk God’s Truth well and seek to love God and others above yourself (Eph. 4:1; James 1:25).
- Attendance & Participation 10%
- Textbook Reading Report 15%
- Three Case Report Forms 10%
- Exams 35%
- Practicum 35%
Cheating of any kind is viewed seriously and constitutes grounds for immediate confrontation (Romans 15:14, Matthew 18:15-17, Gal 6:1).
Check back often for updates and new documents added to this appendix (as of December 19, 2023)
Click on the document below that you wish to review:
PDF Syllabus