We  Train &   Certify 

 Biblical   Counselors 

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 Biblical Counseling & Soul Care Online 



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Each of us will give counsel, but will it be God's way?

I want to assist you in learning to give godly counsel, as well as help you develop discernment in evaluating counsel that you receive from others. We live in a perilous time, right? People are frazzled and need your help. May the Lord Jesus use you greatly! It's my prayer for you that our studies will enlarge your vision of the Lord Jesus Christ as our Wonderful Counselor!

If you are ready to enroll as a student with the desire to become certified, but have questions and are on the fence about your decision, book a discovery call. I would love to hear your story, answer any questions you have and pray with you about your decision. Complete the form below to book a call with Jeff Christianson.

Who I Serve

1. Training For Everyone In The Body Of Christ

2. Pastors & Ministry Leaders Who Would Like To Set Up A Counseling Center In The Local Church

3. Anyone Who Is Reaching Out For God's Help, Hope And Comfort


Training For Everyone In The Body Of Christ

We would love to help you become equipped for the Church. The Biblical Counseling Academy exists for the church. We serve by biblically educating God-called men and women to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ. Our mission statement is Knowing Jesus and Making Him Known. The approach of this school of ministry is that of a pastor, not of a researcher. My primary desire is to explore the word of God on these important matters of counseling, discipling, and personal ministry.


Ministry Leaders Who Would Like To Set Up A Counseling Center In Their Local Church  

The Biblical Counseling Academy exists for the church. We work for the senior leadership in local churches by biblically educating God-called men and women to be and make disciples of Jesus Christ. The approach of this school of ministry is that of a pastor, not of a researcher. My primary desire is to explore the word of God on these important matters of counseling, discipling, and personal ministry. We serve students in order to prepare them for ministry inside the local church context. Our graduates give of themselves for the Church in expository counseling, doctrinal integrity, and discerning soul care. If you are a church pastor and need a cohort of trained biblical counselors, book a discovery call with me to create a success path. 


Anyone Who Is Reaching Out For God's Help, Hope And Comfort  

Every one of us struggles at times with discouragement, with concerns that might build to worry or anxiety, doubts, and strife in the mind. We want to pray for you and help you overcome trials, difficulties, and impossibilities God's Way! Trials, Difficulties, and Impossibilities plague humanity - even godly Christian people. Ask us anything. We are available to match you with a Certified Biblical Counselor if you are in need of Soul Care.

The Biblical Counseling Academy specializes in confidential conversations for pastors and ministry leaders. We accept challenging cases where a pastor needs to be restored to ministry Galatians 6:1 style.

How it works...

I Will Be Your Dean of Biblical Counseling and Guide You to the Finish Line.

 I succeed when you succeed. I am committed to helping you complete the step-by-step Certification in One Year Course. 

What my students are saying

It has been my privilege to serve students who are now making disciples around the world. 


"Pastor Jeff dropped so many gems in this week’s podcast. Some of the very best advice that I ever received in my life was NOT to respond in haste to criticism, slander, rejection or other’s vile comments. I am in total agreement with Pastor Jeff that whenever I have not followed this advice I have regretted it."


"Jeff was a voice of reasoned grace and maturity in a competition of personalities. He was an ally that believed in me, and gave me the chance that I needed... He understood my medical problems and worked with me. It was an honor to be a student under his charge."


"It has been very helpful for me the way you break up into lessons, modules, and transcripts, step-by-step. I believe that no to self is the only way to follow Christ. But crucifying self has been very difficult for me. I pray that by the grace of God, He will help me in this area of my weakness. It is my goal to be transformed in my mind, my heart and my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, and be equipped to counsel others God’s way. I want to be equipped to help others in a more effective way."

Courses I'm Teaching Now

Enroll today in one of the following courses 


Certification in One Year

In-depth Training That Leads To Certification. The Biblical Counseling Academy is designed to meet and exceed the requirements to become a Certified Biblical Counselor. This course will be a biblical study of counseling from God’s perspective. The major emphasis will be on what the Scriptures have to say about how we are to counsel one another. A recurring minor theme will be biblical warnings alerting us concerning man’s ways of counseling. You will enjoy learning step-by-step, day-by-day by God's grace! The Learning Management Software is a system proven to get you over the finish line. Your goal is to become a Certified Biblical Counselor.

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Starter Course in Two Hours

This is A Starter Course For Students Beginning Their Biblical Counseling Journey. Learn your first steps and begin fruitful discipleship. Most counsel in the church is man's way. Too often, God's people are integrating psychology and not as effective as they should be. The church world today frequently turns to the contemporary speculations of man. The wisdom of man is a vain help. We would do well to consider Isaiah's clear warning. "Woe to those who go down to Egypt for help…who do not look to the Holy One of Israel, nor seek the LORD!" (Isaiah 31:1).

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Overcoming Trials God's Way - Micro Training

This self-paced tutorial will help you overcome trials, difficulties, and impossibilities God's Way! Trials, Difficulties, and Impossibilities plague humanity - even godly Christian people. Every one of us struggles at times with discouragement,
concerns that might build to worry or anxiety, doubts and strife in the mind.

Course Topics Include:

  • The Commonplace Nature Of Trials
  • The Benefits Of Trials
  • Growing In Faith Through Impossibilities
  • Hope, Encouragement, And Assurance
  • God’s Faithfulness
  • Our God With Us
  • The Gospel
Learn More >

Nice to meet you!

My name is Jeff Christianson, the Dean of Biblical Counseling! 

I started training Biblical Counselors in 1998 at Calvary Chapel Bible College in Murrieta, California under the care of my mentor, Pastor Chuck Smith. I still cannot believe the privilege to be a staff pastor at CCBC for over 10 years! It was at CCBC that I met and married my wife, Jennie. During those years I was trained and discipled by Pastor Bob Hoekstra in Biblical Theology, Growing in Grace and Counseling God's Way. Pastor Bob charged me, "Jeff, continue to make disciples using the Counseling God's Way curriculum!" Both of my mentors are now home with the Lord and I take their charge seriously by making disciples wherever I go.

The approach of this school of ministry is that of a pastor, not of a researcher. My primary desire is to explore the Word of God on these important matters of counseling, discipling, and personal ministry. This is not a research project detailing the various systems of psychological theory. Others have done excellent work in this area. The general references made to psychological theory in this course of study are given to provide spiritual contrasts and biblical warnings.

Today, I serve as the Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. I am the current President of the International Association of Biblical Counselors, Professor of Biblical Counseling at Calvary Chapel University, and the Founder and Chair of the Biblical Counseling Academy where I will serve you as your Dean of Biblical Counseling and Soul Care!

Featured Podcasts

The Biblical Counseling Podcast 

God's Word is Sharp! 

If Christians are to be competent as counselors, they must have the right tools. Many Christians struggle to discern between worldly wisdom and divine wisdom in counseling situations. A certain idea may sound insightful, but the tools of the world struggle to penetrate deep into the soul of counselees. What does it mean when Hebrews 4:12 says that the Word of God is "sharp"?

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Renewing the Mind 

The Bible calls Christians to abide in God’s Word, hearing His Word, as a regular diet for our lives.
Words and teaching affect the way we think. Thoughts lead to beliefs, actions, and a way of life. Words and thoughts are powerful.
In Ephesians 4 we are called to have our mind renewed from the way we thought before we were Christians.
We are called to think with the mind of Christ and not think as the world thinks.
Ephesians 4:14-15, 17-18, 22-23

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God is a Very Present Help in Trouble 

Does it ever seem like the only thing that will be appropriate that could possibly help is a perfect place to hide in safety? Do you ever feel like, if God doesn’t give strength, you’ll never have any?
Sometimes life comes like a crushing and breaking of our hearts. The more that a person is crushed in spirit, the more the Lord can use them. You see, the Lord is never nearer than when the heart is broken.

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Character Qualities of a Biblical Counselor

Learn about the type of people who have chosen to join the ranks and excel in the field of Biblical Counseling. God looks first at character qualities before any consideration of spiritual gifts, natural abilities or special training. Are you called and qualified?