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Terms, Conditions and Refund Policy

Introduction to Christian Apologetics

Introduction to Christian Apologetics Includes:

Lifetime Access: The videos and all other training materials in this course will be available to you until such time that there is a need to upgrade/update or migrate our system.

Automated Homework: Your Assignments and Quizzes Will Be Saved in our Database for Future Reference and will be Graded Automatically.

University Equivalent:  This Course Meets Accredited University Course Content.

Continuing Education Unit: Current Certified Biblical Counselors May Take This Course as Fulfillment for the Requirement of their Association for Continuing Education.

Group Meetings: Zoom Meetings with Dr. Jason D. Falzarano.

Student Success Team Support:   Access to our Student Success Team for your Technical Support, Administrative Assistance, and Motivational Support to Finish this Course.


Contact Your Support Team
Our team is on standby to answer any questions you may have! Email us at [email protected] 

Read Our Terms, Conditions and Refund Policy at this LINK